Friday, February 15, 2008

Morocco a Go-Go!

Hello! Welcome! Sit, sit. You've found my website. Perhaps you have some questions? Well, here's the story: as of March 2008, I'll be joining the Peace Corps. I'm headed to Morocco as a volunteer in the Environmental Education sector, where I'll be holding environmental education sessions and helping promote national conservation programs. I'll also be teaching basic health and English lessons, assisting with youth and women's groups, and basically lending a hand with whatever sorts of projects my community has an interest or need in.

Needless to say, I am pumped. I found out officially not too long ago, and just finished sending off the last of my secondary paperwork. I've been devouring anything I can get my hands on about Morocco, and everything I see just makes me more and more certain that this is exactly where I want to be.

I also know, though, that I'm going to miss a lot while I'm gone - my family and friends most of all - and I won't know my communication options until I'm assigned my final site a few weeks into training. That's why I thought a website might be a good idea. I can keep people updated on what I'm doing, and with any luck they can keep me abreast of all the happenings at home (not to mention Boston's conference ranking and who did what on Gossip Girl. Seriously, you're going to have to tell me about Gossip Girl).


I'm moving to Morocco.


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